18029 definitions by Anonymous

by Anonymous October 4, 2003
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One of the rare series which contains no scene of violence nor sex. Beautiful pictures, beautiful music and various characters. Ideal for children or those who like kid-friendly anime.
by Anonymous August 29, 2003
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a man that can be married but single when he in a chatroom,trickster that prey on simple minded desperate lonely women usually macing 3 or 4 women in PM keeping them all in the dark
by Anonymous October 17, 2003
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Air condtioning is like computers, as soon as you open windows it stops working.
Windows has preformed the 326 illegal operation today and will have to restar for the 327th time for no apprent reason"
by Anonymous October 31, 2003
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The operating system that crashes every time you use it. Causes blue screen of death phenomenons.
"Hey look, a record! It's 45 minutes since I rebooted and my windows has still not crashed!"
by Anonymous November 6, 2002
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A shitty operating system modeled after a good operating system that did the same things 10 years earlier.
by Anonymous October 18, 2003
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An OS that started out slower and less powerful than other OS's, but due to it's amazing Start button, it became popular. Then came Windows 95, the revolution of computers. I sure loved Minesweeper. Then came Windows 98, a buggy OS that really didn't improve much upon antyhing from 95, but it was new. ME made it even buggier but at least it added a new recycle bin! The current installment, Windows XP, was said to improve upon the way we looked at Windows. Yes, when I turned on that computer I saw a big green blob as my start button. Thank goodness for classic mode. The new Windows XP improved upon the stability, but not enough to match with the Mac. However, the Windows stays dominant because of it's original monopolization and the fact that it supports more games.
I use Windows to pwn my friends online! I use my Mac when I wanna get something done, though.
by Anonymous August 17, 2003
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