18029 definitions by Anonymous

Microsoft's answer to X Windows. Many people claim Windows always crashes, the only reason Windows crashes is due to poorly 3rd party written drivers, and 3rd party software written by careless programmers.
by Anonymous August 6, 2003
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The clip Juice Box is refering to is the beta showing of Windows 98. When it wasn't finished.
Bugs on an unfinished product, wordwhodathunkit/word?
by Anonymous June 30, 2003
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to goof off, to waste time, to waste your whole life
I dropped out of college, gonna just slack for a year or 2.
by Anonymous November 8, 2002
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unfair, out of turn
that was slack man!
by Anonymous October 16, 2003
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like the heebie-jeebies
"Thinking about Homestar are Marzipan give me the jibblies"
by Anonymous August 22, 2003
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