10 definitions by Andrew Badera

To touch public surfaces after touching one's private areas, perhaps by utilizing the facilities, perhaps by self-pleasuring, perhaps by pleasuring someone else, without having the civil nature to wash one's hands first.
That Google guy dickhands the bathroom door every time. Why can't that guy wash his damn hands?
by Andrew Badera August 12, 2010
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An SEObot is a subset of spambots most often found as accounts on social networks, or as webcrawlers used to game page ranking mechanisms in search. The typical social network SEObot is either trying to game, or trying to sell SEO services, often mixed with other spam.
Enough with the SEObots already -- Twitter really needs to kill the autofollow mechanism.
by Andrew Badera August 13, 2009
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Chick deco is an eclectic design style incorporating chatchkis, knickknacks, materials and colors that no straight man would ever consider allowing in his home were he allowed the choice.
Overheard at party:

Dude1: Bro, did you get the nickel tour?
Dude2: Yeah bro! Did you check out those bathrooms? Or the "sun room?"
Dude1: Totally bro! 100% chick deco. You think she got his balls in the prenup?
by Andrew Badera July 5, 2010
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