11 definitions by Amoebabadass

Aunt Jenny, why do they call that animal with the long nose and tounge an uncle?
by Amoebabadass August 19, 2007
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Nickname for someone who is stronger than they look or possesses retard strength.
All hail Redoncules. Such a mighty grip from such a small seemingly frail individual.
by Amoebabadass August 29, 2017
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The act of jerking off while reading all of the half ass, simplistic definitions on urban dictionary that some people seem to think are cleaver or funny.
Regular Person: Hey, you want to go do something productive with our time.
Looser: Nah, I'm going to throw my life away online having urbanal sex.
by Amoebabadass January 10, 2018
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Victim of the one of the most gut-wrenchingly extreme cases of LSD (Lead Singer's Disease) in recorded history.

Axl Rose was the lead singer of the hard rock group Guns N' Roses during the mid '80s and early '90s. Following the release of GNRs debut album "Appetite for Destruction", the rapid increased in attention the band received caused a devastating expansion in Axl's ego that his tiny brain was unable to contain. A massive, never ending stream of inane bullshit began to spew from Axl’s mouth as he tried to relieve the growing pressure.

Eventually all other members of GNR left the band as they were fired or (gladly) quit in order to escape from the Axl Rose fag show. Axl then began a process of rapidly hiring and firing members of GNR as he desperately tried to maintain his delusion that GNR was still a legitimate band and that he was still in some way relevant. The name of GNRs album “Use Your Illusion” is a subliminal reference to this effort.

Technically, GNR never did disbanded and Axl has been working on the band's next album for the last 75 years or so. No one cares.
Man, it's hard to believe that Axl Rose once managed to get along with other human beings long enough to put out an album.
by Amoebabadass August 13, 2007
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