17 definitions by Alibaster Slim

The act of smacking someone in the face with your dick and balls. Often used as an initiation rite at fraternities.
How are we gonna mess with the new pledges?”

“I’m gonna give them the old wrecking ball.”

“Dude that’s gay.”

"Well... I'm still gonna do it."
by Alibaster Slim August 4, 2012
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Is another name for a Speedo or a man thong
“Did you see Michael Phelps swim last night?”

“Ya that dick sling made him look all balls
by Alibaster Slim August 4, 2012
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A lie told to a partner the morning after underwhelming sex. It can also be accompanied by: that was a lot of fun, you were great, we should do this again, I have to go to work and I’ll call you .
“Wow last night was great, but I have to go to work.”
“Will I see you again?”
“Yeah I’ll call you.”
by Alibaster Slim December 5, 2011
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“The name for your stomach after you eat a huge meal that causes your gut to bulge out and stager around like a monkey.”
“Aaaaah, I got monkey gut so bad I’m afraid Jane Goodal gonna try to study me.”
by Alibaster Slim August 6, 2012
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A worn circle on the pocket of a pair of jeans from a skoal tin.
“You can always tell a country boy from the skoal scars on his jeans.”
by Alibaster Slim August 6, 2012
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The act of walking around with your penis hanging out of your pants
“Dude you know your dicks hanging out”

“Ya, I’m just walking the dog if I don’t tire him out now he’ll be up all night.”
by Alibaster Slim August 6, 2012
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Being allowed to have anal sex with your wife or girl friend after doing something incredible to please them. Or having simply picked up a drunken slut at a bar who was on the rag.
“Dude I took this drunk chick home Saturday and she totally threw me a back stage pass.”

“No way”

Yah that or she was telling me she was constipated
by Alibaster Slim January 28, 2012
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