5 definitions by Afro-Chan

The law that if a character isn't drawn completely disfigured in a MeatCanyon animation, something bad will happen to them.
"You remember what happened to Peppa Pig's family in the MeatCanyon animation parody? Brutal..."
"MeatCanyon's Law 🗿"
by Afro-Chan July 6, 2023
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What sick fucks who rape animals call people who don't like them. Which is pretty much everyone besides themselves.
The rest of the world: "Hey, maybe DON'T fuck your dog?"
Zoophiles: Is that... common sense I hear? YOU'RE ZOOPHOBIC!
by Afro-Chan January 1, 2022
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The disposable income that having a stable job brings as an adult, in contrast to depending on your parents/guardians for financial support.
"Why so much He-Man stuff?"
"Oh, I loved the franchise as a kid, but never got to have any of the toys. Thanks to my adult money, I can finally channel my inner child."
"That's dope."
by Afro-Chan August 31, 2023
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A peacock or peacock man, is a very flamboyant and extravagant yet heterosexual men.

They dress in very flashy, colorful, designer style clothing, and are generally more well-kept than the average man.

Similar to the male peacock bird, this way of dress and lifestyle is sometimes done to attract the opposite sex, as peacock men are usually players and in direct competition with other men for potential mates. As a result, they need a way to stand out through expensive, maximalist clothing, a highly extroverted, ego driven personality, and articulate way of speech that attracts women of a similar lifestyle.

*Just like any other subculture, it's not only a way of dress but a different state of mind.
"Wow, when David's in the room all eyes are on him. The men, the women, everybody can't get enough of this guy!"

"He's a peacock man, those dudes manage to swoon almost anyone into liking them and doing what they want for them."
by Afro-Chan September 26, 2023
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If an individual is active in the current internet gender war (tensions typically between men and women online), they are a gender warrior.
"I hate men."
"All women are the same."
Shut up! Damn gender warriors stinkin' up the place...
by Afro-Chan August 29, 2023
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