6 definitions by Adolf Hitler and Joseph Stalin

I'm calling the police

A term used when someone does something extremely bad, weird, fucked up, degenerative, sexual, horny, frowned upon, or just something that makes your stomach feel like shit, or makes your heart actually fucking stop for a second because you need to catch a breath after seeing what bullshit someone posts or say. This term can also be used on sexual messages, if someone is being weird, people typically reply with "I'm calling the police" "What the fuck", and "FBI OPEN UP!". The phrase / slang "I'm calling the police" is an effective way to tell someone to shut the fuck up, and for them to reconsider their life before saying something again or to tell someone your really fucked up and need psychotic help now. The term is similar to replying the suicide hotline number "1-800-273-TALK (8255)" , to tell someone to call it, and seek mental help (since they probably do tbh).
Guy 1: What were you doing? It's been like 6 hours!.

Guy 2: Jacking off to changed rule 34.

Guy 1: I'm calling the police and the fucking FBI to throw yo horny ass in the slammer.
Guy 1: Bouta fuckin teach this degenerate nigga ass mothafucka some goddamn justice.
by Adolf Hitler and Joseph Stalin September 20, 2023
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"Troll" is basically just a prank. Troll is slang for deliberately trying to get a reaction out of posting something completely random and bizarre. A "troll" can be easily found if it has nothing to do with the current conversation, or you get a reaction from it. To simplify it, trolls are attention hungry people who will sacrifice others enjoyment for his own rise. The best way to deal with a troll is to ignore them and avoid having a dramatic reaction. This song says what a "troll" is (lyrics down below)

You've been trolled, you've been trolled
Yes, you've probably been told
Don't reply to this guy
He's just trying to get a rise
Out of you, yes, it's true
You respond and that's his cue
To start trouble on the double
While he strokes his manly stubble
You've been trolled, you've been trolled
You should probably just fold
When the only winning move is not to play
And yet you keep on trying, mindlessly replying
You've been trolled, you've been trolled, have a nice day
Teacher: Alight class, for some reason I can't open a webpage. Can anyone help?

Billy: *raises hand*

Teacher: Alright Billy, I trust you to open up the right website
(billy doesn't)

Billy: Alright teach! :)
Billy: *searches up changed rule 34*

Teacher: why do I see goo latex furies raping children, zoophilia and animal mating. what the actual fuck is wrong with my student, you know what, Billy? I'm calling the fucking police and FBI to detain yo ass.

Billy: we do a little trolling
by Adolf Hitler and Joseph Stalin September 20, 2023
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1 x 1010^100 gigaparsecs

idk its like 1.7432348181258835e+28 miles, basically if I would write this down, I would end up being the V.I.P that's the reason people come to my own funeral, saying it would take like 91284 trillion years to write, plus also this entire website would crash. so basically its the least largest number I end up on my math test. So yea, its like commonly used in astrology, don't know why because labeling a sun 72184769 billon light years away isn't going to help evolution besides some cool news headline and more failed rockets, but it's still cool so I'll allow it. You basically use it to overexaggerate some distance (or it's actually that's distance)
m0m, bUt i d0n"t wEnmA g0 t0 pLinRet 899Bjja7(1n2b(u71kjIU(!YINIJA f0r bREard, beCausE tha'tS lRIKe 1 x 1010^100 gigaparsecs (stupid fickin urban dictioniry making my sentences sound official) awaY. I hAve soo muCh to lIve foRE. i I d0n'T waNna sUffEr foR tHe rEst oF my LifE t0 gEt 0.000000000001% oF tHe wAy thEre, mY grAnd Grund GRand gRanD graND graND gRand ggRand graDN gradnD granDN grandn Grhand kids w0uld oNly bE aBle t0 mAkE iT tHere
by Adolf Hitler and Joseph Stalin September 19, 2023
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Cancel Culture

A fake culture made up by faggots so they can be "powerful", since their legs are probably fucking melted rubber when they attempt to stand up and do actual shit. Cancel culture is an act of canceling someone on the internet for their opinion, so the world is a "safer" place. Cancel culture is known for being incredibly racist and homophobic to straight and white people, though cause an 8th ocean made entirely out of tears if someone misspells a name. Cancel culture is also a hell spawn of fatherless children who are spoiled brats and only care about sexuality and sex, because they are whores and pedophiles. For some reason mods like to "suck" their toes.
Internet Dude 1: *replies to cancel culture* Hey, bread isn't purple.

Cancel Culture: How dare you call me "dude"! I am Yulihbageduiah, God of Periwinkle. King of taco-bell, maker of child porn, destroyer of "Nazis" , an Ultimate God. You can't disrespect me. I will cancel you.

Internet Dude 1: bouta get the FBI on this pedophilia shit *calls FBI*
Internet Dudes 2 & 3: What's going on?
Internet Dude 1: bouta teach this mothafucka some goddamn justice

Cancel Culture: You can't call the FBI on me. That's transphobic. I will cancel you all.

Internet Dudes: We have the right to report illegal activity since the dawn of humanity idiot.

Cancel Culture: Well, I have the right to cancel you and call mods. @Mods!

Internet Dudes: 😨 we gonna see weird shit, brace yourself!

Mod: You can't disrespect my princess. Banned!

Internet Dudes: ah shit here we go again.

Mod: I am so CLOSE to losing my virginity. It has been more than 1 x 1010^100 years, and I am still waiting. You will no longer ruin my ultimate goal. I have been incapable to die until I lose my virginity, now I c-

FBI: FBI OPEN UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Internet Dudes: phew, the FBI got here in time

Cancel Culture and Mod: where my door go 😭

FBI: You are under arrest for being a fucking weirdo.

Mod: WAIT! Lemme lose my virginity first! I have b-

FBI: She's 4 for fucks sake 🥶

Mod: Love is love

& FBI: Hell naw, you getting a life sentence now nigga

GOOD ENDING: The pedophiles got arrested, and justice was served.
by Adolf Hitler and Joseph Stalin September 20, 2023
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FBI Be Gone Spray

An FBI Be Gone Spray is an special spray made from REDACTED, REDACTED, REDACTED, REDACTED, REDACTED, REDACTED, and REDACTED. Typically brought from your local back ally at 3:00 A.M from the cashier (Typically in full black in a really fucking large ass conspicuous smoke cloud risking death from asphyxiation). Be careful, the homeless bite! The spray typically melts ones eyes and rips their fingers in half, causing extreme and violent pain. Usually screams and satisfying pops mean the spray is working. To add to the fun, it lights human flesh on fire and causing the pain receptors to go haywire. Effects may include, sound barrier breaking screams, extreme pain, loss of eyesight, melting alive, body bruising, blood gushing, REDACTED, being ripped apart, suffering indefinably even after death, satisfying pops and breaks :D, REMOVED, altering of brain chemistry, bone position, skin, muscles, and about fucking everything about your body composition, you'll be a pile of unidentifiable slop in a matter of seconds. Used by many cool kids to get rid of their FBI agent for a epic TikTok trend that all the cool kids are doing. You should try one day! 😎
FBI: *shatters door very loudly and screams FBI OPEN UP for no apparent reason what so ever* Your under arrest, for multiple counts of child molestation and rape, genocide, human trafficking and child sex trafficking, terrorism, and torture!
Cool Kid: nuh-uh *proceeds to use FBI Be Gone Spray*
FBI: *liquefies*
FBI: *is goned*
Cool Kid: Now this will do well on TikTok! *proceeds to become #1 most viral video*
Cool Kid: *fucking proceeds to break reality and teleports behind you*
You: *you know what happens now :)*
by Adolf Hitler and Joseph Stalin September 19, 2023
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The over rated corrupt political hell spawn of an "helpful and friendly place" made from the foul and amoral government to mind control famous innocent souls to do their brainwashing bidding for their sinful funds and to torture those who dare to say or think the truth.
Youtuber (Markiplier): I dyed my hair pink for charity!
The Government: *proceeds to brutally molest innocent children*
The CIA: *proceeds to hypnotize the poor to shoot innocent kids at school*
The FBI: *proceeds to make up bullshit about mental illnesses and charity helping those in need*
The ATF: * proceeds to give the hypnotized firearms and explosives, while making alcohol cause psychopathic behavior*

The DHS: *proceeds to hire terrorists to scare the people and play the victim role*
The NRC: *proceeds to purposely make nuclear plant accidents to cause death*
by Adolf Hitler and Joseph Stalin September 19, 2023
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