3 definitions by AC STUNNA

A massive and miraculous amount of porn, which includes videos, magazines, toys, and rare novelty items. Each day a U-Haul truck full of pern is brought to a secret location, which is only known to its owner for safety reasons. The collection to date is the largest of its kind, and is meticulously organized and well preserved.
Cole: "Hey Tyler have you been messing with my pern?"
Tyler: "No way man, I wouldn't dare."
Cole: "You two-faced deceitful son of a bitch, I know you were fucking with my pern cause Jugs magazine issue Oct 2003 is AFTER Jugs Nov 2003. Im going to kick you in your fifth vertebrae you dirty whore!"
by AC STUNNA August 21, 2006
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"Asshole By Nature", Dub-G, Jay-Ton, Boss and Others
You hear that new Asshole joint? Hell yeah bitch, fucking im a ABN.
by AC STUNNA April 7, 2006
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A man who hits on a woman who is just out of a relationship that ended badly. The woman, devastated, is in a vulnerable and "crummy" position. The man in turn is there to pick up the crumbs, hence, the Crumb Getta.
"You hear? Stacy just got dumped a night before prom." Tyler
"No way, they seemed so happy together." Cole
"It ended really badly, shes a mess." Tyler
"Time for me to move in, I'm a Crumb Getta!" Cole
by AC STUNNA February 8, 2007
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