30 definitions by A. Hick

A term used to describe a skinny or gaunt male body type in an online dating or chat profile. Often used by gay men (but certainly not exclusively), the term does not actually refer to the lean muscular frame of in shape sprinters, long distance or marathon runners, etc., but rather is a euphemism for a slim body with little or no muscle tone or definition. If you have low body fat, but are unfit, you have a "runner build." It's better than fat and unfit, right? Compare with disingenuous sports related fat body euphemisms like linebacker build or football player build, and contrast with swimmers build.
29, 6'3", 140 lbs., br, br, trim, runner build, 8"c (NOT AOL inches). Sane, stable, software engineer. Mature for my age.
by A. Hick July 25, 2006
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A term used to describe a skinny or gaunt body type in an online dating or chat profile. Mostly used by gay men (but not exclusively), the term does not actually refer to the lean muscular frame of sprinters, long distance or marathon runners, etc., but rather is a euphemism for an extremely slim body, often tallish, with little or no tone or muscle definition, i.e low body fat, but unfit. Compare with other disingenuous sports related body type euphemisms like linebacker build or football player build (fat), and contrast with swimmers build (toned or athletic body type).
29, 6'3", 140 lbs., br, br, trim, runner build, 8"c (NOT AOL inches). Sane, stable, software engineer. Mature for my age.
by A. Hick July 23, 2006
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A slim or in shape person who is sexually or romantically attracted to obese people. The term can be applied to both heterosexual and homosexual attraction. Also known as chubby chaser. Compare to fat admirer.
Jim had to admit he had become a chaser; when he entered the online dating scene after his nasty divorce, he found he could only get hard with he looked at the profiles of BBW.
by A. Hick July 24, 2006
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An obese gay man with little or no body hair. Compare to bear.
Even a manatee can get laid in Berlin these days with the right amount of euros.
by A. Hick July 24, 2006
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A morbidly obese gay man with little or no body hair.
Even a manatee can get laid in Berlin these days with the right amount of Euros.
by A. Hick July 24, 2006
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One of the most notorious nightclubs in Berlin, Germany during the "decadent" Weimar Republic area of the 1920s. The usual show consisted of short acts, skits, and songs, etc. performed by "amateurs." (i.e, nameless or unknown) In reality the "performers" were almost always mentally or physically handicapped people chosen specifically because they had no actual talent and were presented solely so the audience of tourists and "intellectual" slummers could laugh at them for "entertainment." The diminuative Jewish Master of Ceremonies, Erwin Lowinsky, was the inspiration for the character protrayed famously by Joel Grey in the much toned down stage production, "Cabaret." Also the club was more distantly an inspiration for the equally infamous '70s TV show "The Gong Show."
Come to the Cabaret of the Nameless and leave your decency behind.
by A. Hick July 24, 2006
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A term used to describe an athletic body type (i.e low body fat, flat stomach, etc.) in an online dating or chat profile. Mostly used in gay men's profile's online, the term has a generally positive or desirable connotation and covers all aspects of the "in shape" physique, not just the sport of swimming. Contrast with more disingenuous sports related body type euphemisms like linebacker build or football player build (fat), and runner build (skinny).
WGM, 22, 6'0"/175# Brn/Grn, lean, tight swimmers build.
by A. Hick July 23, 2006
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