13 definitions by 73H L337 H4X0R!!1

dude: Cool! Porn.
chick: This is that new vampire show on HBO, True Blood
dude: Oh, that's why there's so much blood everywhere.
(awkward looks are exchanged)
by 73H L337 H4X0R!!1 July 1, 2010
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Possibly the coolest thing ever. Not those faggy twilight vampires, I'm talking about fucking badass ones that suck blood, not cocks. Which is weird, because vampires are so fucking awesome, that its okay for men to go gay for them. Evidently, the people who kill vampires are just as cool. Just look at the Belmonts from Castlevania.

When pirates and ninjas face off, vampires win.
by 73H L337 H4X0R!!1 October 4, 2010
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Slang for a prostitute. Someone who escorts your dick- to their vagina. (most of the time)
Escort is just another PC (politically correct) term for someone who sucks/fucks for money. Just exchange it with "prostitute".
by 73H L337 H4X0R!!1 November 4, 2010
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Phonetic spelling- Uh-nntz; The sound in every. techno. song. EVER. Aptly named because it sounds like someone saying "untz/unts" in a low tone. The classic "untz/unts" is generally repeated incessantly throughout said techno song. If you heard techno, you know what I'm talking about.
1, 2, 3, and 4 are occurring in parallel-

1. untz/unts untz utnz utnz untz untz untz untz untz
2. the system- is down- the system- is down- the-
3. fast erratic drum beat- fast erratic drum beat-
4. loud siren, quiet siren, loud siren, quiet siren,-
by 73H L337 H4X0R!!1 April 23, 2011
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The Sega Dreamcast was a game system made in 1999. Due to many bad decisions, the system was abandoned in around 02'. They are as cheap as dirt now, (about 20$) and considering iso's of many can be grabbed for free, and the majority of the library can be had for super cheap at game exchanges that stock old games, it makes it an easy purchase.
Person 1: Lets get a bag of potato chips and play some Marvel vs Capcom 2 on my Sega Dreamcast!
Person 2: Fuck yes.
by 73H L337 H4X0R!!1 October 15, 2010
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An extra paper plate that you grab to put under the first to add reinforcement (in case it gets soggy, deformed, etc). Some of the time, one will keep the reinforcement plate, and only replace the top plate. The same can apply to cups.
Bob: Hey, Steve! I can't help but notice that you keep grabbing 2 or more plates everytime you come back up to get some mashed potatoes.
Steve: Oh, those are reinforcement plates.
Bob: Okay, but could you stop eating all the chicken?
by 73H L337 H4X0R!!1 July 12, 2010
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When people ask you your "sign"- that's astrology. Horoscopes, signs, all that shit is astrology. People think it actually works because the predictions (horoscopes) are extremely vague and telling people what they want to hear, such as "you will make money" and "you will find true love". All these astrologers are making money off morons, and probably snorting coke off a hooker right now. Not to be confused with astronomy, the badass science of the universe.
1- "Okay, here's your horoscope. You will get a raise at the end of the year. Wow! Look! Astrology signs on my cellphone for 20$ a month, sign me up!"

2- "Here's your horoscope- fuck you."
by 73H L337 H4X0R!!1 October 13, 2010
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