15 definitions by 60 Central

Nickname bestowed upon a mythical Rugby player in Texas during the early 90's. Known for his knack of heckling players both on and of the field, was banned from the Texas Rugby Union for life in 1995.
Hey Choge, do you want to play Rugby or conduct a fuckin' circus over there, now put down the beer, quit smokin that joint, and stop grabbin Suzie's ass!
by 60 Central March 9, 2008
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This is a variety of teenage/adolescent female who tries to gain favored status with teenage males by always sitting on their lap. They also like to sit on the laps of older men to gain the same status.
Hey Son, tell Kelly to stop sitting on everyone's lap around here like a Crotchmonkey.
by 60 Central March 18, 2008
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unoccupied long-for-sale homes with "FOR SALE" signs out front and with a desperate owner so obviously gone that even the curtains are gone, or nearly all curtains.
'Well it looks like we have another see-through house down the street, and I guess Joe couldn't make the mortgage after he bought that Mercedes.'
by 60 Central March 19, 2008
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I coined this term in 1993. It is a derivitive of the Gott brand ice chest. As we became more discombobulated Gott became goat, thus goated.
by 60 Central February 17, 2008
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The outflux of illegal immigrants back to Mexico because of INS raids, intolerance, and a bad economy.
"Well I guess there must have been a Mexidus because my landscpaping crews didn't show up this week."
by 60 Central April 22, 2008
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The person in an organization that spends most of her time trying to devise some new form or buerueacratic paper trail to cement her position within the firm, and ensnare other Employees in a paperwork nightmare, that only She can help them through.
Drone 1: Man what the hell is this new form?
Drone 2: Oh that is the new form that Sheila our Corporate Spider implemented last week. You have to fill that out to request the form for office supplies, and then get it approved by an Executive. There is a flow chart attached to the email she sent out to the entire company. You did get the email didn't you?
by 60 Central April 11, 2008
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A common disease also known as super morbidly obese. This disorder can strike any human, but is generally found around the "all you can eat buffet" down thar at thems "golden corral" home of the best chicken fried steak.
Dude, what the fuck is this place! Oh yeah, this is where all the people with fatassitus go to graze.
by 60 Central February 29, 2008
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