8 definitions by 50

the BEST grunge band ever existed. shame for them...Kurt will'll miss u dearly.
by 50 December 13, 2003
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shes the fuckin sexiest diva in wwe. i'd fuck her all night long!
torrie: oh yes! oh yeah! fuck me! take me!
by 50 September 19, 2003
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the best motherfuckin band EVER!!!
first group to bring out a rap/gangsta rap/rock mix with feeling and plzce it through the mic...
B-Real, Muggs, Sen-Dog, bobo
"boom biddy bye bye...line up on tha floor now ur all gonna die...!"
by 50 February 16, 2004
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by 50 September 19, 2003
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Something that is beautiful, or deserves special notification.
That car that Doug got is Beauts!!
by 50 November 7, 2003
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to light a bun or weed, cigerette.
by 50 September 19, 2003
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the best nu- metalers from el nino, Brazil! they fuckin rock!!!
how can i live without you? - confession (their new album!!!) ILL NINO
by 50 October 17, 2003
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