31 definitions by 25IMF
Let's move!
by 25IMF June 25, 2019
As one of the world's best teams, Real Madrid has multiple good players and has won many trophies. This soccer club is based on Madrid, the capital of Spain.
Go Real Madrid!
by 25IMF June 24, 2019
synonyms: strenuously, with great vigor, strongly, powerfully, potently, forcefully, with force, forcibly, energetically, aggressively, heartily, eagerly, with eagerness, enthusiastically, with enthusiasm, with great effort, with all one's might, with might and main, with a will, for dear life, for all one is worth, to the best of one's abilities, as best one can, all out, with a vengeance, fiercely, intensely, hard, as hard as possible, as hard as one can, with all the stops out, like the devil, like the deuce, at full tilt;
He strummed the strings vigorously.
by 25IMF July 10, 2019
1. being in a place you don't know about or you have not gone to before
2. being apart from your group
3. not knowing what to do
2. being apart from your group
3. not knowing what to do
by 25IMF June 24, 2019