12 definitions by 2009ends

A breed of alien species that became the first, undeniable contact between humans and aliens. They were first discovered inside their UFO hovering over Johannesburg.

They sport an ant-like exoskeleton, with human like limbs. They are very skinny, but are usually a foot or more taller than a human of similar age.
The Poleepkwa took my wife away yesterday, but gave her back today. She has a slight limp.
by 2009ends September 22, 2009
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A little phrase used to sound powerful while making a threat.
John: If you rat me out, so help me God I will break out of jail and snap your neck!

Matt:... I thought you were an athiest?
by 2009ends September 27, 2009
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Definition: A 'district' of very poorly built, yet manageable homes for the alien species known as prawns. Soon after the prawns were accommodated into District 9, it was noticed that they soon turned it into something that their home would look like. (Laboratories, egg nests, food preparation, etc.) The Prawns then started trading weapons and food with humans, and became almost entirely independent, showing less respect towards the humans.

Movie: A movie that came out in 2009 showing the events following the arrival of the prawns in District 9. It shows the behavior of prawns, which is very, VERY similar to humans, especially with the aliens using slang and swear words. (Actually, these Anthropomorphic actions of the alien prawns are very satisfying to the furry mind, so if you are a furry, I recommend this movie.)

According to some articles on the internet, the movie District 9 apparently rose from the ashes of the Halo movie, seeing that the Halo movie was canceled. The producer and director decided to make a lower budget film after the Halo project died, so district 9 was born.

The funny thing is, in the middle of the District 9 movie, there is a scene with an alien and a human battling they're way through multiple enemies using foreign space weapons. Probably a little shout out to the Halo series, since the Halo bit didn't turn out as expected.
Prawn 1: FUCK District 9 man, the damn humans blew up my eggs yesterday!

Prawn 2: I know, this place is a dump. I have to search through the trash every day to find something to eat, cause we ran out of cows a month ago.
by 2009ends August 24, 2009
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A mythological noun that determines the purity of someone. It is kept with a person until the first time they engage in sexual activity, and then it is lost forever.

Guys must be careful; make sure that the girl whom you take the virginity from is a good one. If you try to leave this girl, she will use it to try to make you feel lower than dirt, and it will hit hard.
Girl: "You took my virginity! You took something that nobody else can have! I can never get it back, do you get that?"

Boy: "Oh shuddup, like Matt's pierced tounge and your vibrator are any different from my cock."
by 2009ends August 4, 2009
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A community on youtube who animate with the program Pivot Stickfigure Animator. This community contains many members, most of which are under the age of 14. Thanks to the main community members like PivotmasterDX, Hopdiddy, Deltapivot, and Magnificentness saying 1337 words and repeating memes and fads mindlessly, like they're funny, the massive community of noobs has spammed them and have now ruined the whole comedy of such behavior.
Yeh I haev pivot, but i qwit becuz it waz too boaring foar me. But i still suck up 2 PivotmasterDX becuz he's popular and i'm a conforming prepubescent middle-skewler. it aer funneh when i talk liek this becuz funneh ppl talk leik thizz. So i herd u liek mudki- *gets shot*
by 2009ends July 16, 2009
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