5 definitions by 1st Ever Bikuneer



Define: The instinctual desire and overwhelming sensation of both/solo physically and mentally to be vulgar in a person's actions or speech but not limited to persons or person be used as a trate or instinctual characteristics.
When both participants tap into there "Gari ntiutions" when being passionate with eachother world collide and the stars shine more brightly....

Dear journal,
Last night "Rebarb" showed her "GARINTUIT" side during our love making and IM PRETTY SURE I seen GOD!!
by 1st Ever Bikuneer December 24, 2021
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To have connection stronger then dimonds.

Example: the 4 elements Earth , wind, water and fire are much different from one another but are still all connected forever like dimonds .
There Tethergy was radiating from there bodys as they made love....
by 1st Ever Bikuneer January 5, 2020
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When you use GHB in a group setting (2 or more people )

And every ones genitals with in the group go on the menu.
If you” Avisarate” atleast once a month it’s been said to extend your life span !!
by 1st Ever Bikuneer February 18, 2022
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A highly rare and saut after trate that consists of high value in smile, attention, attractiveness, character, creativity and dignity .
1 in every 8,000,000,000 humans .have this trate
Wow the women is so incredible she has to have the Marfabulus trate.
by 1st Ever Bikuneer September 18, 2022
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Bi-kuh-neer; Bikuneer ,
can be compared to a buccaneer all thought key elements of significant aspects of the two are traverse.

such as a ship is replaced with a Performance bicycle

the ocean and seas are replaced with pavement ,roads and trails of all sorts pertaining to travel upon a bike .
swindle, Boost , commander all are a common practice among an Bikuneer to sustain ones ,hygiene, sustenance , habits and necessity,

also commonly paert of underground factions and groups.
Bikuneers live by a code that is up most honored and a majority of a Bikuneers day to day activity is biking distances most people could not endure .

Minneapolis Bikuneers Zeta was founded in Minneapolis, Minnesota by its founding Person J. Conn A.K.A J's me in the year 2017 .

Bikuneers are trust worthy people all thou are opportunistic and ,depend on survival so to be an patriot to an Bikuneer association or individual is advised .
To be a TRUE Bikuneer you must have great stamina, Resilience , and be an ninja too...
by 1st Ever Bikuneer July 15, 2019
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