5 definitions by 1338 h4x0r
A euphemism for consuming any media of high quality, used by black metal fans. 'Sieg Heiling' ALWAYS appears with the progressive aspect.
"At the moment, I'm Sieg Heiling 'Introduction to Graph Theory' by Richard Trudeau. His explanation of the Euler characteristic is very lucid."
"I was Sieg Heiling 'Memoria Vetusta I: Fathers of the Icy Age' the other day. It's truly a classic of the genre."
"I was Sieg Heiling 'Memoria Vetusta I: Fathers of the Icy Age' the other day. It's truly a classic of the genre."
by 1338 h4x0r April 8, 2008
Somewhat broad category of mathematical subjects that concern discrete, rather than continuous objects. A good example of this distinction is the kind of functions you study in discrete math. Where as calculus differentiates and integrates functions defined for every value in some interval of real numbers, the kind of function examined in discrete math is often called a 'mapping', a rule that associates each members in one set with one in another. Often, these sets are finite, and so the elements are discrete, rather than continuous.
The topics addressed in a discrete math class vary, but it seems every curriculum has mathematical logic, set theory, formal proof techniques, number theory and probability. Other topics you might run into are abstract algebra (e.g., group theory), graph theory, linear programming, game theory and algorithmic complexity.
In addition to teaching students very important methods of proof and logic, discrete mathematics also gives a fun rundown of topics with a lot of practical applications.
(In the US, the median income of the few people who have the attention span and maturity to learn about things like discrete math is $81,240. True fact.)
The topics addressed in a discrete math class vary, but it seems every curriculum has mathematical logic, set theory, formal proof techniques, number theory and probability. Other topics you might run into are abstract algebra (e.g., group theory), graph theory, linear programming, game theory and algorithmic complexity.
In addition to teaching students very important methods of proof and logic, discrete mathematics also gives a fun rundown of topics with a lot of practical applications.
(In the US, the median income of the few people who have the attention span and maturity to learn about things like discrete math is $81,240. True fact.)
The previous contributor knocked discrete math on the Internet, not realizing that his message was routed to this server with an algorithm based on graph theory, which is a part of discrete math. Jesus fucken' Christ-on-a-cracker, is he ever dumb.
by 1338 h4x0r April 1, 2008
Somewhat broad category of mathematical subjects that concern discrete, rather than continuous objects. A good example of this distinction is the kind of functions you study in discrete math. Where as calculus differentiates and integrates functions defined for every value in some interval of real numbers, the kind of function examined in discrete math is often called a 'mapping', a rule that associates each members in one set with one in another. Often, these sets are finite, and so the elements are discrete, rather than continuous.
The topics addressed in a discrete math class vary, but it seems every curriculum has mathematical logic, set theory, formal proof techniques, number theory and probability. Other topics you might run into are abstract algebra (e.g., group theory), graph theory, linear programming, game theory and algorithmic complexity.
In addition to teaching students very important methods of proof and logic, discrete mathematics also gives a fun rundown of topics with a lot of practical applications.
(In the US, the median income of the few people who have the attention span and maturity to learn about things like discrete math is $81,240. True fact.)
The topics addressed in a discrete math class vary, but it seems every curriculum has mathematical logic, set theory, formal proof techniques, number theory and probability. Other topics you might run into are abstract algebra (e.g., group theory), graph theory, linear programming, game theory and algorithmic complexity.
In addition to teaching students very important methods of proof and logic, discrete mathematics also gives a fun rundown of topics with a lot of practical applications.
(In the US, the median income of the few people who have the attention span and maturity to learn about things like discrete math is $81,240. True fact.)
This definition was routed to the Urban Dictionary server with an algorithm based on graph theory, which is a part of discrete math. Even if you don't like it, you have to admit it's useful.
by 1338 h4x0r April 1, 2008
by 1338 h4x0r April 1, 2008
A real number is a complex number of the form a + bi s.t. b = 0. That is, i, the square root of -1, is not a part of any real number.
Polynomials roots that appear at y = 0 on a graph are real numbers. Most numbers you use everyday are real.
by 1338 h4x0r April 2, 2008