12 definitions by 000

Awesome Canadaian band...never get any respect because they're not completely mainstream rock...have cool songs like Brian Wilson, If I Had $1000000, Alternative Girlfriend, 1 Week, It's All Been Done, Get In Line, Too Little Too Late, and Pinch Me
by 000 March 23, 2004
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Word that can be placed almost anywhere in a sentence and still make sense.
Dude, we're so elephunked!

If you just look on your right, you'll see the very rare elephunk.

Elephunk that elephunking elephunk that elephunked our elephunks!
by 000 January 26, 2004
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shitty basketball team; used to be in San Diego; only 4 playoff berths in about 30 year history of franchise; never resign any good free agents; no playoff berths since '96; they suck ass
by 000 October 21, 2003
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former LA and current St. Louis football team; won the Super Bowl w/ an awesome team a few years ago, but now they suck
The Rams are arrogant bastards.
by 000 October 16, 2003
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team that has only 2 playoff berths in the last 13 years; usually blows it; however, they kick ass this year
The Seahawks will be good this year, i guarantee it.
by 000 October 16, 2003
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Someone who's just a dummy; a bit of a jackass, one level short of being a TOTAL jackass.
This guy asks who's running for president, I tell him 'Watch the news, jackleg!!'
by 000 October 20, 2004
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Get your shithooks off my stuff, boy!
by 000 October 21, 2003
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