16 definitions by ...<@!+y

a girl wearing a miniskirt so short you can practically see up to her brain
The entire world saw Lindsay's, Britney's, and Paris's brains this past year.
by ...<@!+y March 19, 2007
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"Yo girl, can I get your algebra?"
"I ain't givin you my number."
by ...<@!+y March 26, 2007
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an item that appears to be Gucci, but is really a knockoff
Gross, her purse is so Fucci.
by ...<@!+y March 19, 2007
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when one's toes curl over the edges of open toed heels, like shrimp cocktail on a martini glass
by ...<@!+y March 19, 2007
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A knockoff posing as a true Lanvin.
She tells everyone her purse is Lanvin, but really it's Flanvin.
by ...<@!+y March 19, 2007
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The waif-like girls in opaque tights who rule the art galleries in Chelsea and other art districts. Like ballerinas, they are generally delicate-looking, coiffed, and can come off as cold.
As we perused the art, we tried to avoid the gallerinas.
by ...<@!+y March 19, 2007
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A fake item posing as true Chanel
Her flats are so Chan-hell.
by ...<@!+y March 19, 2007
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