262 definitions by Max

A person who is powerful and majestic. Akbar is a enchanting and picturesque individual with charming characteristics. His intellegence can almost astonish you.
Are you kidding me? i was only joking.
Hes a sleezball slut you gets on every gurl, he has the chance too
Akbar's name is snack-bar,because he likes eating all day.
by Max March 12, 2005
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Akbar is a powerful and majestic individual. He enchanting and picturesque characteristics will charm you. Akbar's intellegent notions have not only brought peace to huamanity, but have facilitated many oppotunities for others around the world. Not? Hes a slut you can't get his hands off gurls. Slap him a few times and hell bark.
Akbar is a snackbar, because he will eat until the cows come home.
by Max March 12, 2005
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1. Someone who is incapable of mobilizing themselves.


1. Extremely absurd or tedious.
2. Not pertaining to anything of true importance.
"He could come out tonight but he's being a lunkass and playing X-Box"

"That test was fucking lunkass"
"I would come over but I have to do lunkass chores"
by Max June 17, 2004
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to put a small puffy dog in his carrying case, zip it up, and swing him around as if he were in a mini airplane
1)come here doggie im gonna brang you!!!
2)dude stop branging my dog, its making him sick
by Max March 12, 2005
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When a guy does a girl doggie-style in front of a window, then at some point he gets a friend to trade places with him. He runs outside and up to the window, knocks on the glass, and yells HOUDINI! while waving to his girl.
I got Rick to help me pull a Window Houdini on Stacy last night.
by Max March 8, 2005
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An insult to someone with a terrible hairdo, commonly utilised to offend the protagonist of indoor living.
"Look dear, at the window, it's the Russian muffin from hell"

"joe my gosh"
by Max May 16, 2005
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