80 definitions by Kitty

part of a series (of payments, books, articles etc.)
"When's the next installment of Harry Potter due to come out?"
by Kitty August 11, 2004
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to kiss or take part in touching, referring to two people who are not dating or have just started dating
Nikki will get with Brendt at the skatium and then two days later he will ask her out.
by Kitty March 24, 2004
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Casual sex, usually with a friend or other person that requires no commitment to anything more than having a good time.
Sport fucking is extremely popular on college campuses, especially at frat parties.

Me and Tyrell only sport fucked to pass the time- we knew there wuz no future in it and that wuz cool.
by Kitty September 26, 2004
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you are a fucka
Oh Shit! I can't believe you Fuckaz ate my ass with a spoon. You were suposed tah use a fork!! Damn Fuckaz!
by Kitty December 30, 2004
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Get over It Yinza's Pittsburgh is a giant asshole inhabited by small peices of shit. It stinks, It's dirty, everything tastes like metal, the girls are ugly and the guys are douche bags. Living in pittsburgh will make your life suck. The bars are shitholes. The natives are disgusting alcoholics. The sports fans are crazed maniacs. Downtown P-burgh smells like a sweaty farmers ass. Pittsburgh blows don't go there you'll regret it. The end.
matt says'i got accepted to Pitt should I go?
Ryan replies" you should never got to a college that's name rhymes with shit"
by Kitty April 18, 2005
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the precise feeling of being dipped in boiling hot marmite
argh!!! someone's dipped me in boiling hot marmite...i feel most obsitwangular
by Kitty September 22, 2004
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The three headed doggy who gaurdes hell, or hades.
Cerberus...says arf arf
by Kitty March 19, 2005
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