circle the drain

to gradually die (literally or figuratively)
When Dan started telling the girl at the bar that he lived in a barn with 3 sheep, 2 horses, and his parents, his chances of beating it up that night started circling the drain.
by Nick D September 25, 2003
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clap back

if someone shoots at you, you clap back at they ass.
by the mighty Ru March 21, 2004
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charge it to the game

Similar to a "party foul." Something caused by fate, that can't be altered.
I failed that test today. Oh well, charge it to the game....She poured beer on the carpet- charge it to the game.
by Anon October 18, 2003
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casual sex

sex that wears trousers and a nice looking polo shirt to work and parties
usually i dont care about these things, but casual sex was way under dressed at the reception on friday.
by ma jones May 19, 2004
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mardi gras

literally "fat Tuesday"; a festival day ending a period of celebration and excess; usually occurs mid to late February, sometimes early March. Immediately followed by Ash Wednesday and Lent. Traditional Mardi Gras celebrations are held in Mobile, AL and New Orleans, LA
I get arrested getting drunk on Bourbon Street during Mardi Gras.
by Hackster March 5, 2004
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dot com

Used to add emphasis to the ending of a phrase. Usually spoken with a slight pause prior to it, and with a deeper voice than normal.
Lets go get some food--I'm fucking hungry dot com.
by Keens February 9, 2004
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wardrobe malfunction

A euphemism for tearing clothes off another person's body. Infamously used by Justin Timberlake during a super bowl halftime show where he tore the clothes of Janet Jackson.
Justin Timberlake intentionally caused a wardrobe malfunction.
by kryo June 23, 2004
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