ll-// is a sybol for twenty one pilots
fuck ll-//
by susy boka June 18, 2021
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This is the latestes, l33t3st and surest middle-finger flagdown/putdown there is and will be!
It combines the middle-finger (or, 'the looong finger' yo!) + the ring finger together with both hands out...for a sure-fire 'Fuck You!' effect!

Use at large against hobitches who think that the sun shines outta their 'lonley' asses. B-Hz!

Also known as: Super-finger/ su-fi/ ,,ll,/ ,,ii,
-Hammer: Hey Meagan! Fank you very fankin' much fer one thing, ya lil' Meh-Spacer hotard: I have grown back my pubes and my cockasaurus looks great! <<explanation needed 'ere...cause asshos like Meagan, tend to guzzle way too much jizzle quantities that studies have shown can happen to cause permanent-memory lapses!>> Ya wanted to have my cock with that full beard on it, 'member? Heeyaa! Here's fer 'fank yous':
by hytham_hammer January 2, 2007
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The Best Call of Duty 4 Game Battle clan, led by Transform.
Dude we just got fukd up by ll-_-ll
by ll-_-lliiSaMaZziNg June 17, 2009
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LL stands for Long Live (commonly used chicago slang)
Dude 1: Man, Maria just died
Dude 2: Fr bro? LLM (Long Live Maria)
by urmomashley April 19, 2020
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1. short version of "lol"
2. Laughing Loudly
"look at that dumb ass hole trying to light his farts on fire, ll"
by Criz April 9, 2004
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My ll wife is frustrating me.
by shaved September 11, 2016
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lls, "meaning laughing like shit", is usually used on most chats by teenagers, and is basically the teen usage of lolz or lol.
Bob: i saw this gay dude walking around with a stick in his hand and he was polishing it and having fun!

Jim: lls
by Dr. Pop October 25, 2009
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