The political ideaology that every one is equal.
The far majority of "anarchists" arn't really anarchists and just say that because it makes them look and "punk."
Also they majority of true anarchists don't know it they olny synonimize anarchy with chaos and nihilation.
Anarchy is simply the idea that no one has any more or less power than yourself. The avarage CEO gets 150x more pay then a floor worker. This huge seperation creates an effect in which the floor workers have to live pay check to pay check, this makes it so the floor workers are wage slaves. Now we are back to slavery which is every thing Abe Lincolin fought to stop.
On another note, what is the point of capitilism? to make some rich and the rest poor. This is all that comes from it. The rich get rich by making the poor poor thats what happens face it. you are being screwed by the government and you employer. The government can do what it wants to with out your consent just as oyur boss does.
There is no point of haveing poor people in this country. If all the rich gave money to the poor there would be only one class, the rich are defined as those who have the most money, so every one would be rich. Equality is the only thing that will come of anarchy.
poser: "im punk and and anarchist, hey look here is my Mercadez im gonna go bathe in money. Yay anarchy."

Real anarchist: "Fuck the government, we need equality and freedom. FUCK THE RICH FEED THE POOR, THE CLASS SYSTEM is NO MORE!"
by ttrruutthh June 1, 2006
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opposition to government, a place where individual people govern theirselves. people claim that with no government poeple would riot the streets, but since it has never happened, nobody can tell for sure. anarchy is simply a government without a government.
most people claim anarchy won't work being there is no order
by Smokey_D_ June 14, 2007
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3 entries found for anarchy.
n. pl. an·ar·chies
Absence of any form of political authority.
Political disorder and confusion.
Absence of any cohesive principle, such as a common standard or purpose.

New Latin anarchia, from Greek anarkhi, from anarkhos, without a ruler : an-, without; see a-1 + arkhos, ruler; see -arch.


Source: The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition
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\An"arch*y\, n. Gr. ?: cf. F. anarchie. See Anarch. 1. Absence of government; the state of society where there is no law or supreme power; a state of lawlessness; political confusion.

Spread anarchy and terror all around. --Cowper.

2. Hence, confusion or disorder, in general.

There being then . . . an anarchy, as I may term it, in authors and their re?koning of years. --Fuller.

Source: Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, © 1996, 1998 MICRA, Inc.


n : a state of lawlessness and disorder (usually resulting from a failure of government) syn: lawlessness

Source: WordNet ® 1.6, © 1997 Princeton University
by Anonymous April 4, 2003
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Good defs already. Most people who preach anarchy don't even realize that anarchism is a sociopolitical philosophy - an extremely naive one, in the belief that without order, everyone will just get along.
Anarchism is a naive sociopolitical philosophy.
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A political belief held by ultra-left wing college professors, students at UC-Berkley, and other people who think that they are "intellectuals", but in reality have no idea how human nature and basic economics work.

see wordPipe Dream/word
I love Anarchy! Everybody is equally in poverty!
by October 22, 2003
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If used for a system, for a long time period it simply wouldn't work. Capitalism usualy thrives from anarchy. The person with the biggest gang and the biggest guns would rule over everyone else. Anarchy is pure freedom but the human race can't deal with pure freedom because of it's own selfishness, people would live in fear, people would get killed/robbed alot more frequently. Look at corperations today, one person makes billions while people in the third would earn next to nothing. Anarchy can be good as it is the result of a revolution which hopefully turns in socialism

ps vote socialist
Gang leader: I'm bored, want to rob a few people and kill them for fun with no punishment?
by Anonymous July 23, 2003
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1. what 12 year old middle class "punk rockers" write allover everything they own while yelling about how the "system" is getting them down and how somehow the world would be a more equal, peaceful place if everyone could go around robing and killing anyone who is weaker, while repeating the phrase " punks not dead" like some kinda mantra... then go tell their principal when they get there weed money robbed by a bigger kid.

2. what a lot of people mistake for autonomy

3. similar to communism in the sense that people who support it believe that people have everyones best interests at heart and wouldnt screw thousands of people over in a second for personal gain.

4. something someone really smart had the idea of pasting the symbol for allover all types of merchandise to SELL AND MAKE MONEY off the hardcore anarchists supporting their corporations.
retard: hey man the world would be a better place if it was anarchy.

person: how?

retard: because everyone would be equal and we would all make the decisions and work together for the greater good of everyone

person: your so fucking stupid i want to go anarchist on your ass and beat you to a bleeding pulp cuz i can. your thinking of autonomy.

retard: no, if there were no rules or law nobody would fight or starve or argue.

person:.....? do society a favour, go listen to the exploited or some other wank ass band that ruined punk rock on your ipod touch, buy a bunch of overpriced patches and t shirts made by kids in sweat shops by the corporations you think your trying to take down, then dig a hole and die in it.
by shelmet May 27, 2009
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