From Arrested Development:

"Do you Boys know how to shovel coal?"

To a bunch of gay dancers

by Annyong11 December 23, 2008
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A white chick that dates only a nigger and completely supports him financially, pays his rent, drives him everywhere, does his laundry, pays for his drugs, all because the nigger is to lazy to make his own way in this World.
Man, Heather is a fuckin' coal hauler and she does everything for Kelvin, that big, fat, lazy assed nigger!!
by herolin December 7, 2005
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That piece of shit that you cant get out of your ass hairs.
I had to wipe that ass coal for 20 min just to put my underwear back on.

I was going to lick that bitches butt,until i noticed that ass coal
by atime January 16, 2009
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One white rtraditional fat chick who digs the dark (coal) meat.
That chick won't dig you man, she is a coal hauler.
by JMD December 7, 2004
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A white girl who gets pregnant by only black man whose children will turn out to be the color of coal
Did y’all hear about Britney she got pregnant by Tyrone Now she’s a coal hauler
by Usudyeiw July 16, 2018
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