1. preferring someone or something

2. addicted to a drug
One bite of this fudge and you'll be hooked.
by Light Joker November 23, 2006
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to turn a trick (sell body for money)
the task that a hook(er) performs.
i heard your mom's been hooking to put you through school.
by e-fu December 19, 2003
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When a person (the 'Hooker') starts stringing along someone who they know is romantically interested in them, turning them down while still leaving a small possibility of a relationship (with excuses such as "It's a bad time at the moment"). In reality however the Hooker is really waiting for someone more desirable to become available (with the person on the receiving end being the 'Hookee'). The Hooker may also use the Hookee to enjoy some of the benefits of a relationship (such as paying for nights out).
Dave: So, did you ask Jen out?

Marty: Yes, she said she really likes me but isn't looking to date 'at the moment'.

Dave: Aw man, she's got you hooked!
by WatcherMark April 20, 2012
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A command a girl screams when she wants you to put your penis in her poo pocket.
Guy 1:She screamed "hook it in me dumper mate" last night!
guy 2: Is she from New Zealand?
guy 1: Yeah! After, she pushed me out the tent then she yelled "NEXT"
by AUSpatriot February 2, 2015
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Used mainly in the streets of Thunder Bay, "hooks" means to give or to "hook you up" with something.
Stoner 1: Man, hooks me a d. (Dart/Cigarette)
Stoner 2: Nah man, let's go blaze.
Stoner 1: Yee, that would be decey preems yoloswag xD
by IAmNotACat November 11, 2012
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