1. A person of severely limited intellectual prowess, or extremely lacking in everyday common sense.

2. A viewer of FOX News, who only listens to a single news source, only communicates with others of his/her own political persuasion, and thinks "Tea Parties" are spontaneous outbursts of patriotism, without realizing they are instead, organized and funded by the richest people and corporations in America, with the intent to steal wealth from everyone. i.e. "Americans for Prosperity. "
1. "What a Numbnut! Can't he open his own mind? He thinks he's being patriotic, when in fact he's undermining the Constitution!"

2. "That Numbnut has no idea who's paying for those pre-made astro-turf signs being unloaded off that bus! What a Teabagger!"
by Correct_Guy January 1, 2010
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A numbnuts is a person of 'a certain age', i.e., old enough to know better, who behaves like a total shit or shithead. A jerk, a fool, a putz, schmuck, asshole, etc.
Mike and Louise behaved like complete numbnuts over that issue. They got mad and over-reacted, just like the numbnuts that they are.
by Athelstan Spilhaus IV September 10, 2006
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someone who is not only as stupid or rather idiotic, but also unintelligent or a complete fuckup
"I hear that Johnny shot himself in the head while cleaning out a loaded shotgun before he headed out for the opening of dear season, what a numbnut!"
by btezra October 25, 2002
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a complete idiot, a person who doesnt know the definitions of words
Nick Payne doesnt know the difference between an android and a cyborg
by Italian Stallion November 17, 2004
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After that kick from Nadine, hes got numbnuts
by Red December 14, 2003
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since you are not a numbnut, then you should able to open a can of tuna.
by maximorph April 24, 2003
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