11 definitions by btezra

a device made of clay, ceramic, plastic tubing or PVC, glass, a two liter coke bottles, or any other man made or fabricated substance that is normally filled with water to smoke fine and tasty nuggs of marijuanna with; can be of varying lengths and sizes
by btezra October 25, 2002
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someone who is not only as stupid or rather idiotic, but also unintelligent or a complete fuckup
"I hear that Johnny shot himself in the head while cleaning out a loaded shotgun before he headed out for the opening of dear season, what a numbnut!"
by btezra October 25, 2002
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1. A monolithic crap of such epic proportion that its aroma has been know to travel far distances, well up to 50 feet and cause co-workers to throw up after catching a whiff.
*named after Joe, one of the technicians who can clear an entire office after taking a crap.
The clients came for a metting yesterday to our offices but after catching one whiff of that Joe-sized dump the receptionist took they left the offices running for their lives.
by btezra October 19, 2005
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to masterbate; jerk off; make the one eyed monkey spit; to pleasure oneself {male version}

can be done alone/solo, or in the presence of another or group of others
by btezra October 29, 2002
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the best ~ simply outstanding; no comparison or greater value can be placed to another of similar type of manner
"That new track that DJ Krush laid down is da bomb!"
by btezra October 24, 2002
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meaning quite a few, a bunch, a lot, very many, more than you care to be able to count, more than you can count; a widely used exaggeration of there being far too many of something ~ not to be confused with a boatload or a whole fucking bunch
Holy shit man, that's a shitload of midgets in that parade.
by btezra October 23, 2002
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a perfectly groomed and manicured bud of dank marijuana
"...bring over your bong tonight, I just hooked up with an ounce of tasty nuggs!"
by btezra October 25, 2002
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