When you feel your turd is pushing
I got to use the toilet, my turd is crowning
by styn99 March 7, 2014
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v. To hit/beat someone on the head with a large blunt instrument, usually an iron, or something of similar stature. Usually this action is carried out as a direct result of someone not following specific orders, hence a punishment.
If you do not stop snoring in a minute, I am going to crown you.
by Splinkio December 9, 2003
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- the state of being very close to having to discharge fecal excrement, similiar to the state of "crowning" when giving birth. To reach this state, the turtle must be poking his head out.
"Dude, I'm crowning so bad I think I just baked a hashbrown in my underbritches"

"I have to snap a duece so bad that I'm crowning...can you smell it?"
by BloodMuttsRevenge August 25, 2006
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When the excrement in one's anus cannot be contained any longer and it starts pushing open the sphincter. Probably related to childbirth where the top of the baby's head (the crown) is first visable as it emerges from the vagina.
"OMG I'm crowning so bad it's like I've got a turtle neck hanging from my ass..."
by Dr Bob December 18, 2003
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Having an intense need to defecate.
Mike was crowning, it was a tough decision between dropping a chalupa in the woods with no toilet paper, or waiting for the comforts of an outhouse three miles ahead.
by The Commadore July 22, 2008
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The moment you cross your legs when you are no where near a bathroom and you clench your bung hole to stop it from coming out
I need a bathroom but i cant move because im crowning
by dick nuggets November 26, 2014
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To come up on something in a way that diminishes it. To demean, to dominate, to devour. To freak that bitch out.
Jody: Man I got crowned on by that trigonometry test.

Heath: I am about to crown on your croquet ball! Booya!
by benthorot August 6, 2007
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