7 definitions by The Commadore

Having an intense need to defecate.
Mike was crowning, it was a tough decision between dropping a chalupa in the woods with no toilet paper, or waiting for the comforts of an outhouse three miles ahead.
by The Commadore July 22, 2008
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Female intern who quickly decides to don provocative clothing to alter the competitive balance of the intern pool. Also know as the next Mrs. fill-in-your-boss' name.
The skintern didn't realize how intimate she would be getting with President Clinton's cigar.
by The Commadore August 5, 2008
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Using American-based imagery to get consumers to purchase your product.
by The Commadore August 5, 2008
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Business meetings that devolve into finding fault for why projects have gone wrong, rather than looking for successful results. This is also known as postmortem.
After four months of secret meetings and public blamestorming, the Legislature will adjourn, having done some favors for powerful special interests and approved a budget that spends hundreds of millions of dollars more than the state will take in.
by The Commadore August 5, 2008
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I was pulling the goalie in the living room when my mom showed up early from work and started screaming at the sight of me. I didn't know whether to finish or zip up.
by The Commadore July 22, 2008
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Switching orifices - without alerting your partner - while having sex doggy-style.
Listen, I know Kobe committed a Southern trespass on you but you wont get a conviction for rape just because of it, you have to say that none of the sexual acts had consent.
by The Commadore July 22, 2008
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The mixing together of two excellent business ideas with predictably disastrous results.
When Anheuser-Busch spends $40 million on an online network called BudTV, that's a meatball sundae. It leads to no new Bud drinkers, just a bad case of indigestion.
by The Commadore August 5, 2008
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