the one jesus hates for hogging the spot light during christmas time
"mommy, why do they call santa time, christmas, shouldn't it be santamas ?"
by gravisan November 18, 2006
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Karl Marx, Lennin, and Poppa Smurf all had beards. 2/3 Are communists. Santa has a beard <i> and </i> dresses in red. He must be a commie.
by Nick January 4, 2004
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The hellish fatinsane demoniod minion of lucifer who terrorizes the world once a year by bringing unspeakable atrocities to our houses!
He will deliver a plague onto your homes and make you suffer the wrath of a thousand guilty souls!
by Dumb Ass August 16, 2004
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Title and nickname of Santa Claus, though he is the antithesis of a Saint. Santa Claus is actually the current incarnation of the Babylonian tyrant Nimrod. Stands for commercialism and oppression.
Defy Santa. Burn all Christmas trees. Death to Nimrod!
by Iggy Hazard January 17, 2004
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A form of paedophilia which the paedophile goes to the child for some special presents (usually something expensive). Consequences are that they don't have enough money and the kids get clickbaited or they end up becoming skint.
Hey Mr Nonce, stop santaing my kids
by Deadboydoor517 July 2, 2021
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Its Christmas eve and you dress up in a Santa outfit. You climb on the top of a house and scream Santa's here, and when someone looks up through their chimney, you ejaculate down the chimney as if it is a present.
John: Where were you last night on christmas eve??
You: I was performing the Santa..
by bigboi12369 April 5, 2021
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