10 definitions by AverageRedditor

Person: Vaccines cause autism!
Me: (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
Person: Because unvaccinated people die before they are diagnosed.
Me: ┬─┬ノ( º _ ºノ)
by AverageRedditor November 20, 2020
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The effect of the top posts on Reddit often appearing in on Instagram the next day, due to plagarism.
According to the Reddit-Instagram Effect, penguin memes will be popular on Instagram tomorrow.
by AverageRedditor October 10, 2020
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A language that is spoken all over the world. It is one of the few languages that originated with writing, not talking. It is derived from English, but it uses symbols like ; " # { in the everyday speech. It is very good when you want to be specific.
Bill: int goodcodeideas; std::cin >> goodcodeideas;
Bob: Make some code that makes fractals in C++
by AverageRedditor December 27, 2021
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Unix successor developed at Bell Labs. The main selling point is its distributed design, allowing a single system to be spread across many computers.
by AverageRedditor April 17, 2022
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5-8# 8# 5&3 43#7)5 9% -9)$8!& $92! 3:346 (36 9! 6974 0-9!3 (36;9@4$

This is the result of holding down every key on your phone keyboard
person 1: -3))9 -92 @43 697
person 2: I'm good, please don't hold down every key
person 1: 294$
by AverageRedditor April 30, 2022
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