Russian for (literally) "bitch fuck", usually meant as "Fuck you bitch"
Блять вы, сука! (Fuck you bitch)
сука блять, иди нахуй! (Bitch go fuck youself)
by Vanax December 5, 2015
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A Russian compliment

jk it means b*tch in russian
Steve: сука блять
Vladimir: *whips out his 2nd cousin and his ak-47*
by IDigestKidneyStones October 24, 2019
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when you drink too much vodka and cant handle the power
сука блять bitches im god
by HesteHund September 22, 2017
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A word used by a memer who thinks he's being funny and sounding Russian but really he just sounds like a try-hard
person 1- сука блять
person 2- you what the fuck
by meesajarjarbinks May 22, 2020
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Two of the most used swear words in russian, that russians say on a daily basis. The combination of those words perfectly describes the frustration you've got after failing something or doing something wrong. I guess you can compare it to Homer Simpson's "D'oh!". It's pronounced like "suka blyat". I struggle to explain what the t in blyat sounds like, but you can imagine you're going to pronounce "tee" but without the actual pronouncing of ee.
*fucks up*
сука блять!!
by jegvetikke April 10, 2018
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It's a commonly used sentence in CS-GO and Russia. It literally means 'Fucking Bitch go fuck yourself'. Use it wisely.
Teammate: 'let's go A long'
you: 'сука блять иди нахуй, we're rushing B'
by idajfdjls February 8, 2018
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