zae is the goat he is fine asf he the realest he keeps it 1k all the time loyal asf he a fly black boy
by zae is daddy December 28, 2016
A real ass nigga with soft aim.
by zaetovenfaggot March 31, 2021
Zae is amazing boyfriend, big dick and fine af. He got hell of girls in his phone but only wants one
by Zzaaee April 7, 2019
The Zae is an easier and More Styled Out Name for the City San Jose, Ca. The Hip Hop Legend DAVE DUB first Coined the Term "The ZAE" in 92ish. His Unique Innovative Sound and Style he Brought to the Hip Hop Culture Opened Doors for Many Emcees to Experiment and think outside the box when it came to Rhyme style and cadence and "pattern hammering" to develop emcee skill set. His Name will forever Resinate in the SAN JOSE Hip Hop Culture.
the Term "THE ZAE" was Created by DAVE DUB.
the Term "THE ZAE" was Created by DAVE DUB.
by LAND SHARK LAZLO September 26, 2017
A man that doesn't know what he wants. Won't settle down for anyone. Someone who knows he's really cool. Not to tall, but just perfect. Dreads and dark skin. The man of my dreams.
by xczxczxczx July 15, 2009
A very nice, kind girl with a big heart very serious in times but also has a very playful side, definitely good to hangout, chill with or even go on an adventure with. Also very pretty and silly
by Stacylee730 May 30, 2021
zae is a FINE ASS GIRL. she usually don’t give a fuck and will step to any bitch. Zae got hella hoes when single but loyal when she taken. She like hood niggas and anit no pussy boys in her section. She pretty and she stay with food but don’t ask for nun cause she mean as hell in a sexy way
by De’andre_jay April 22, 2019