Similar to being a "heiness" but without the sophisticated qualities, and the addition of being a typical whore with the notion of being better than everyone else. Usually associated with girls surrounding themselves with lesser attractive girls around her.
(Dude)-Dude "your whoreness" asked me to get her another drink. Who does she think she is?

-(your whoreness)- where's my drink?!

-(Dude)- coming!
by Megzandbacon December 5, 2016
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a phrase said to a woman after it is found that she speaks out of turn or profoundly, usually followed by a punch or slap to the face.
ren: "me and my wife are going to go golfing today."

mike: "oh really? you're going to that old, run down course by the river, right?"

jenny: "it's a nice course!"

*ren slaps jenny*

ren: "you shut your whore mouth when men are talking!"
by dagreatdane4 July 2, 2009
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Basically, It means: “Shut your offensive mouth.”
My bitter rival: Dude, Why do you like that show: Soul Eater?? That show is stupid and the plot is obscure!!
Me: Shut your whore mouth!
by ScreamoKevin December 9, 2020
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When something is said to you and you found it slightly offensive and wish to make a joke of the situation while also disregarding the remark.
Bob: You're bad and you should feel bad.
You: You shut your whore mouth!
by flowflow June 12, 2014
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a saying by men who are afraid of what their women will do, but it is understood that this will emanate from them, kind of lke a fart, we laugh and we deal, a phrase that may result in death by laughter alone. Go ahead: Tell a woman to "Shut your whore mouth" and see what happens. It cracks me up every time. Aphrodesiac. Laughter.
He decided to go somewhere else and she said "SHUT YOUR WHORE MOUTH" and he digressed and went home to complete his task of washing the dishes. Like a little workslit. (YUP look it up ladies, I said that)

She told him what to do, he as a dumbass, asked how to do it and she told him to "Shut your Whore Mouth" and he immediately knew how to proceed.

NOUN: a very finite way to convey your intent.


He said "Shut your whore mouth" and she laughed at him, knowing full well that this is pure foreplay and that her desires would be met instantly.

by Proof of troof YO September 5, 2018
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The final, astral insult that should only be used in worst case scenarios, this insult may save you from dying instantly, but saying this to someone will cause they're entire bloodline dead or alive, to be erased from existence, which may include you.

Carl: Your family tree LGBT.
Bob, half dead: ur forerunners whore runners
*99.34% of the world's population dies instantly*
Carl: Your family tree LGBT.
Bob, half dead: your forerunners whore runners
*Every particle that even belonged to anyone related to Carl is instantly erased from every timeline, leaving it to never exist, creating a paradox wormhole that destroys the multiverse itself*
by Jescyn April 1, 2018
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Now I know this Isn't a word, but I feel the need to put this out there. This is a phrase commonly used by male homosapiens, of the age 12. This phrase can most commonly be heard from these creatures on an XBOX-360 or dare I say... The PS3. This phrase originates from ancient times. Also known as, When Call of Duty 4 Was cool. During these times, a 12 year old male homosapien was being constantly harrassed by older male homosapiens. He then proceeded to shout back at them, the phrase "Your Mom's A Whore!" This caused quite a ruckes between the older males. This phrase is now so commonly used, that people find it quite cliche. Therefore, it has little to no effect what-so-ever.
"I just killed you little bitch!" -Male 1
"Oh yeah, well, your mom's a whore!" - 12 year old
by The-D-TRAIN August 7, 2012
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