Will: Although I congratulate Joel Comm's success, I want everyone else to realize that this will never happen to you and you will probably die poor and alone.
Me: You must be fun at parties.
Me: You must be fun at parties.
by Ares Gunther December 30, 2009
An overused conversation-killing phrase most typically used to frame people who are particular or exact in their speech as overly fastidious or fussy, or unable to take jokes.
Formerly was directed at overly pessimistic people.
Formerly was directed at overly pessimistic people.
"So as I was saying, what's the deal with braille on the keypads of drive-thru ATMs? Like do I expect a BLIND PERSON to drive their car there?"
"It's just so they don't need two different production lines for making keypads."
"yOu mUsT bE fUn aT pArTiEs."
"It's just so they don't need two different production lines for making keypads."
"yOu mUsT bE fUn aT pArTiEs."
by James Russell, PhD January 29, 2022
by thelifeoftheparty22 May 11, 2022
Internet troll: I hate everyone, especially people who disagree with me.
Person: you must be fun at parties.
Person: you must be fun at parties.
by nutella137 November 4, 2020