2 definitions by James Russell, PhD
A very heavy trigger pull, especially on a handgun.
Originated from the New York Police Department's policy until 2021 of issuing pistols with a trigger weight of 12 lbs..
Originated from the New York Police Department's policy until 2021 of issuing pistols with a trigger weight of 12 lbs..
Do you think that cop wouldn't have hit so many bystanders at Times Square without that New York trigger?
by James Russell, PhD March 13, 2023
An overused conversation-killing phrase most typically used to frame people who are particular or exact in their speech as overly fastidious or fussy, or unable to take jokes.
Formerly was directed at overly pessimistic people.
Formerly was directed at overly pessimistic people.
"So as I was saying, what's the deal with braille on the keypads of drive-thru ATMs? Like do I expect a BLIND PERSON to drive their car there?"
"It's just so they don't need two different production lines for making keypads."
"yOu mUsT bE fUn aT pArTiEs."
"It's just so they don't need two different production lines for making keypads."
"yOu mUsT bE fUn aT pArTiEs."
by James Russell, PhD January 29, 2022