A term used by a group of people who are running a ring around you to demoralize you. Usually religious or moral zealots, using techniques simmilar to a paedophile ring, or barbaric practices such as gay conversion therapy, under the control of domestic violence, stalking etc.
I'm running you, you can't look after yourself.
by ghost9776 July 21, 2020
by J-Bye January 18, 2009
A policy debate proverb for those who run too many generic topicality arguments. A spoof on, "Every time you masturbate, God kills a kitten."
2A: Shit, they ran substantial is without material qualifications again. What should I do?
1A: Just read the block. " Every time you run generic T, God kills a kitten , thus, the neg's argument caused the death of a kitten, constituting cruelty to animals, which violates our deontological framework and should not be considered in the round. This slaughter of kittens cannot continue any longer. Vote aff on abuse of kittens."
1A: Just read the block. " Every time you run generic T, God kills a kitten , thus, the neg's argument caused the death of a kitten, constituting cruelty to animals, which violates our deontological framework and should not be considered in the round. This slaughter of kittens cannot continue any longer. Vote aff on abuse of kittens."
by PowellRanger August 17, 2006
(Sexual Term) If someone runs you over or vice versa, it's a term that means they're going to dominate you entirely, anything that they can dominate you on they will. If someone asks another person to run themselves over. That means they are very submissive and like a controlling partner to show them who runs things.
by Love forever love is free July 12, 2016
To be in complete dominance of another person; To claim ownership because your skill set is greater than another person in a particular area.
Halo Reference: When I out BR'd that bad kid I began to t-bag his body and repeatedly say, "I run you." He then rage quit because of the embarrassment.
by HLG Ominous August 9, 2012
I find your ill-informed positions to be vapid and absurd. I feel a shooting pain in my skull every time you speak. You should run for vice president!
by Club Ed October 5, 2008
Something that's impossible. It's like trying to run from a man that makes his living by running with a rickshaw all day long. He's going to catch you.
Guy - I didn't pay my taxes and now I have to pay even more.
Friend - You dumbass, you can't run from the rickshaw man!
Friend - You dumbass, you can't run from the rickshaw man!
by Kevin Beckwith January 11, 2008