In southern regions, a term to describe an unspecified, unknown, or estimated amount of distance between two different points, usually between one's current position and a spot outside the field of vision. Can also be used when referring to a point of interest that can be visibly seen. Also can be used when referring to the direction in which something or someone is going.
"I'd say tha boy's home is about a quarter a mile yonder through them woods"
"She buried her dog at that tree over yonder"
"The road back ta town runs yonder over them hills"
by prophiseer October 28, 2006
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1.An unspecified distance 2. About that far 3. Only someone from the country knows exactly how far it is "from here to yonder"
Hey, baby, lets jump in the truck and head over yonder.
by The Bozz September 23, 2003
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Yonder: Antwhere but here.

Real gone.
Synonym: outare
"He's gone yonder, way outare, real gone."
by Yonder August 24, 2004
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Where ever is pointing at at the time he says this word.
by The shcoshi queen October 20, 2006
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In or at that indicated place: the house over yonder.

Being at an indicated distance, usually within sight: “Yonder hills,” he said, pointing.

One that is at an indicated place, usually within sight.


Look over there at the big blue yonder.
by papermachete October 27, 2005
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interchangable with the word reach, mission, go to, call, eat, grab, .... basically any decent verb
ie. " yonder next jam"
" yonder a muffin quick in my palm"
" yonder at eliza right now her bassist skills are damn sassy"
by nuffgoodwords November 13, 2008
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far away, long trip, way out there, rural; subrurbs even
" lives like way down yonder"
by Richard Sager September 3, 2004
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