It stands for, Yucky Idiotic Furry Fuckers. Y.I.F.F.
All furries are yiff.
by Ryan Satter March 22, 2005
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The hotest, most arausing shit I've ever seen. Definitly most superior kind of porn.
A:Hey, did you see that amazing yiff on e621?

B:Yes, and my boner hasn't left me since!

(Credits to furry youtuber Glitch for that last joke)
by Opso Opos February 2, 2021
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1: Yiff/yiffing furry sex of most cartoon or oc animals.

2: Another form of yiffing is yelling and sniffing someone. that idea was originally by mattpat's wife.
“hey why are you yiffing at my friend? thats rude! Don't sniff or yell please!”

“you made your characters yiff each other because you think its adorable?”
by Golden Paintbrush January 26, 2019
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1.Young, Incredibly, Fuckable, Furries
2. A form of internet porn not unlike hentai that involves anthros (bipedal, walkin talkin animals, with human actions, facial expressions, and traits)that is usualy hand drawn
3. The noise a fox makes when mating
4. A very thouroughly slandered fandom throughout the internet by biased self religous try hards
1. Dude, i fapped so hard to that YIFF you sent me.
2. Dude, i couldn't sleep last night, my foxes wouldn't stop yiffing.
by Drake527 November 10, 2011
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a form of pornography of the furry nature
in which one or more anthropomorphic
animal character(s) is doing something
sexually to another anthropomorphic animal
furry. there are sites such as
and where there is a large
selection of yiff(y) stories and pics done
profesionally and amature arts.
(furry 1)wanna yiff?

(furry 2) depends on if you are good at rp

(furry 1) im good if you want me to be *winks*

(furry 2) then lets fuck
by blood wolf May 28, 2009
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(noun) Yelling the name of someone and then proceeding to sniff the person who's name you just yelled.
defined: "may I yiff you name of human/other thing?"
by I like tortillas :3 January 27, 2022
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Internet intercourse between two or more furries.
We yiff with other "animals" online because we can't mate with our own species in real life.
by TG March 28, 2004
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