Another form as yes

Mostly used to prove a point to a cutie
" yes,yep, yada, gonna happen."
by Kitcole1326 January 7, 2018
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Yada is used synonymously with hoes/bitches
Bob: I can’t believe my wife cheated on me
Kinanje: Damn she a Yada

Bob: damn nigga where da yadas at

Bro soft he be acting like a yada
by Kinanje October 5, 2023
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the definition of yada is basically randomness. some people will use so be like yada, yada, yada, blah, blah, blah but dont use it like that. when you just want to say something random, say yada.
person 1: what should we talk about

person 2: idk

both: (sigh)

person 2: yada!
by fidgetcat July 9, 2022
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Yada. Yada will be used while talking or in the place of boredom as a random word to fill up space
You are talking in a conversation and you stop talking then randomly want to say something. You would say yada
by fidgetcat February 5, 2023
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Pronounced yah-duh not yea-da. Means agreement or like saying yes.
dude: Does that guy play basketball
chick: Yada
dude: I wish I was good at basketball
chick: yada
by theyadaking December 5, 2021
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1. A way of saying yes
2. A way of showing agreement

3. A way to show excitement

pronounced yah-da not yea-da
1. Levi: Does he play basketball

Ava: Yada
2. Levi: This assignment is so hard
Ava: Yada
3. Levi and Ava: YADDDDAAAAAA YADA yada
by theyadaking December 5, 2021
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