
get me some wooder
by ray December 22, 2003
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the philly way of saying water. aka the only right way to say it.
mom, can we go get some wooder-ice from rita’s?
by awesomesauce29 August 5, 2019
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A Wooder is somehow who just really likes wood, they love birch and they love oak, they love all wood.
by Bernie Sanders Twitter Account November 26, 2018
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-You are being so woodery, you're a woder!
-Why are you such a wooder?

by sara coxyyyyy November 9, 2008
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1) The dude with no teeth, plaid shirt, and a '78 pickup that rich New Yorkers have the misfortune of occasionally encountering en route to their posh ski home in Vermont.

2) A native Vermonter
"Mummy, I don't think those wooders should be allowed near the ski mountain"
by Danny SS August 7, 2005
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Someone who has a thick voice who is trying to sound like people who don't have a thick-sounding voice, but then again they can't help it so why bother trying?
*Listening in to my brother on the phone*...wooder, wooder, wooder
by James November 12, 2003
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