When you have a caffeine drink and weed together to get amped up for the day.
Rob started getting that 2:30 feeling so he had a Wise Man
by Darfyjones June 18, 2017
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A guy who was a hippie in the 1960's hippie generation and who now has joined the neohippie movement. So called because he has a lot of experence with being a hippie in the 1960's to pass along to second hippie generation.
John's dad's a wise man he was at the first woodstock.
by Deep blue 2012 April 6, 2010
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Weird awkward asian kid, possibily a loner. Will sometimes play chess with himself outside even in the harshest canadian winter weather.Prone to be used as the center focus of a joke.
Looks wise. But, in truth deeply disturbed.
HA! Look at wise man. It's fucking minus 30 and he playing chess.

"Trr ta ta ta", wise man

"Whaaa, what's the probleme?", wise man
by anonymous April 7, 2005
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The period in which, after self prompted ejaculation, you reflect in your now non hormonal state at what you have done. Was it right? Do you need to change? Usually a depressing, yet enlightening time, only to be washed away with the next hormonal surge.
‘Bruh, I feel like a Seion rn tbh’
‘Yeah bruh, need some wise man time after gettin blue balls like that’
by some broke nigga August 2, 2019
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A breed of goat that has a prodominetely large amount of chin hair, resembling an old chinese wise man
That goat looks like a chinese wise man
by Micha E l Dunn April 21, 2009
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A person who posts inspirational quotes on their bios or Instagram page. They are to live by unless you want to live a basic life.
I got some great advice on a great pooping strategy from Yadiel The Wise Man.
by PROFSMARTY April 9, 2021
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Scientology critic and emmy winner Mark Bunker. Creator of xenutv.com and spiritual leader of Anonymous in the fight against Scientology.
"Wise Beard Man is Wise"

"Wise Beard Man: his words are wise, his face is beard."

"Bunker is a prejudist. He prejudices."
by Anon5858 February 7, 2008
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