
It's a high five that doesn't involve actually contact, normally over a long distance where a real high-five isn't possible.

Mix of "wireless" and "high-five", hence "wi-five", (wireless high-five)
Iain (yelling across the room): Dude, that mess was teh pwnz. Wi-five, brosef
Eric (in response): You need to chill with that nano shit, son
by Stampy October 28, 2004
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when you see someone across the room but can't get to them so you raise your hands like a high-five but don't touch because of the distance. derived from wi-fi and high five. a wireless high five.
by Nix Vox Medicus November 12, 2008
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the term given to the act of high-fiving a fellow comrade or peer upon discovery of a WiFi internet signal.
Mike: Shit man we're lost... what the fuck are we going to do?
Jake: we can't pull up google maps...
Obbie: Wi-Five we're saved! I just found an unsecured signal
by nosxp December 12, 2007
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A long-distance high-five, often referred to as an "air-five". Commonly used when a friend is too far away to reach and slap some skin, such as in a crowded party, on the dance floor, car-to-car, or in class.
Hey man, lay it on me... *holds up hand for high-five*. Oh you're sick? Well just Wi-Five me then.
by Capn Josh March 30, 2011
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When u want to high-five someone, but he is on the other side of the room and u both are drunk as fuck to reach out. Its a mix between "wi-fi" and "high-five". Its "high-five"-ing but without physical contact.
-Tell me now, bro, whats wi-five?
- Okay, look now, wi-five is like a high-five, but without cable connection.
- Nice! *wi-fives*
by tooooti May 3, 2015
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Giving someone a virtual high-five via email or other Internet based format in appreciation of a noteworthy achievement or action. Giving some "props" over the internet
A group of friends are sharing a lengthy email discussion throughout the day and one person emails a particularly enjoyable (for the rest of the group) insult to one member of the group and the other participants send wi-fives to the insulting party praising her wit.
by Danhanchan March 17, 2011
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A high five from a distance, usually affected by the presence of obstacles that separate both high-fiving parties.
there were five people sitting between me and Jim so we had to Wi-Five
by proffessor010 September 11, 2010
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