The time of the month when a woman has her menstruation and mood swings.

Origin: Swedish, Informal, "Lingon vecka", exact translation: "mountain cranberry/lingonberry week". Simplified to only "Cranberry week".
"I avoid my gf when it's her (...she is having) cranberry week."
by Vojtech Sedlak December 28, 2007
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the FNF week where tankman tries to beat boyfriend to a pulp until pico comes in and shoots the shit out of the other tankmen
me: week 7 is best week
you: no its not
by jayquan. April 22, 2021
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Scoring 7 girls in 7 nights with no rejections. The highest achievement in the sport of sleeping with girls.
Barney was 5 for 5 on his way to a perfect week with no signs of slowing down.
by Ddczvvbb January 4, 2016
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Giving someone three weeks of not talking or interacting with them because they pissed you off so bad.
-Yeah that was lame of Jean-paul I am three-weeking him now.
-You are three-weeked, good bye!
by Dustinhoweawesome March 1, 2010
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The days in which students are forced to go through extreme torture due to examination from faculty members who love to enjoy to see students work harder then they do at any given day. Usually held at the end of a semester, followed by partying and extreme drug abuse, which leads to mental retardation.

It's just one of those weeks that happens to give you HELL, it occurs twice a year, and it often induces extreme insomnia and makes one look like a student on crack.

See Dooms Day
"D00ms Week, Orly?"

"Dooms Week has grabbed my balls and twisted them hard, I'm way too stressed bro I hardly have time to sleep"

by Darkmasterchief December 6, 2007
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Invented to suck the fun out of life and kill the dreams of college students, as well as assit the police in decreasing the amount of drunk in public calls in and around college campuses.
by shubox April 20, 2012
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Its the person of the week that you like and who takes interest in for one week.
Chris F. has a new flavor of the week every week this week its Courtney, last week it was Jessie
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