3 definitions by Vojtech Sedlak

The time of the month when a woman has her menstruation and mood swings.

Origin: Swedish, Informal, "Lingon vecka", exact translation: "mountain cranberry/lingonberry week". Simplified to only "Cranberry week".
"I avoid my gf when it's her (...she is having) cranberry week."
by Vojtech Sedlak December 28, 2007
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#1: Reduction of a fuel/substance to nothing through use or combustion.
#2: Physical or mental collapse caused by overwork/stress.
#3: Drug abuser or dropout
#4: Failure of a item through overheating.

#1: Spinning rear wheel/wheels of a motorized vehicle and in that way creating a thick smoke from the wheel-rubber.
#1: "Watch this huge carbon burnout."
#2: "A lot of stress may result in burnout."
#3: "My friend is a trashed burnout."
#4: "A mechanism prevents engine burnout."

#1: "Lets go out and make some burnouts and wheelies with your bike."
by Vojtech Sedlak June 20, 2007
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Fucked Up Bitch. A promiscuous woman with lots of issues.
Based on the the word FUBAR
Don't be such a fub!
by Vojtech Sedlak June 7, 2006
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