Sounds like an old lady.
by yayafest January 22, 2009
This word means "what" usually to people who are lazy to write a 4 letter word on their keyboard on their phone/computer...
You: "See the new movie?"
Friend: "wat movie??"
You: "You forgot!!"
Friend: "WAT? WAT MOVIE?!"
You: "Nevermind"
Friend: "wat movie??"
You: "You forgot!!"
Friend: "WAT? WAT MOVIE?!"
You: "Nevermind"
by OvenBakeG January 18, 2016
by LunaMoon14 October 10, 2015
by FatFedoraGuy.lele November 19, 2015
by Nodda4me March 25, 2005
Mr. Quisno's catchphrase, if you hear it you're soon to witness a throat punch. He has an extravagant variety of throat punches ranging from Nigeria to Pakistan.
Wat the, what is this.
by Aly R/B September 15, 2019
"wat." is a full sentence, used as a reply to something that makes no sense at all, to indicate confusion. "wat." is never typed/written with a capital letter, nor with a question mark. Sometimes though, the period is left out.
by Zyyghe February 3, 2009