an important lyric from our national anthem (stray kids n/s) that can be used to respond to anything especially to change, or get out of a conversation
jisung: hey man wanna hear a joke-
woojin: red light green light swag bye or wassup man
jisung: i
woojin: bye.
by weather feelin hot or cold November 26, 2018
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Wassup Boyz™

The thing that your friend says whenever he joins The Boys™ in the discord server.
Friend: "Wassup Boyz™"
by KotoriSenpai November 7, 2019
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wassup slackers

eating dinner after 7 pm and then getting so drunk and or high or even more because waking up as late as possible the next day always works as your excuse
wassup slackers! i got more hammered then you did last night!
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Wassup dummi

Baltimore slang also know as wassup they not really calling you dumb it’s just wassup
Wassup dummi
by Avenew tew December 4, 2020
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want to know wassup

When a boy/girl wants to know how you feel about them.
Him: I want to know wassup

Her: Well i love you and all but i mean you be playing sometimes.
by xstaceyyyy September 21, 2015
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Man wassup

A term originated in Broward County used for hyping things or situations. Sounds better coming from females.
Girls in the club making cute snaps (one friend) “man wassup!”

Girls see a group of scammers and get excited “man wassup!”
by Chocolatedream90 November 23, 2021
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