
MY dad says wassup to his mom every night on the phone and "Wassup" is not an actual word until NOW!!!
by HeyGirlHey1357 January 4, 2021
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What you say before you proceed to beat a nigga's ass.
"Yo wassup witchu bro?!"
"Wassup, whatchu tryna do my nigga??!"
by DarkFire Sensei January 11, 2022
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What's up shortened because people are too lazy to speak correctly.
Bish n°1: Wassup bish?
Bish n°2: I'm fine thx lolz. wbu bish?
by YourMammaSearched March 13, 2021
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Said while taking off shirt and approaching opponent.

- wanna get jumped or what?
- yo wassup!
by weitzhandler August 8, 2024
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by TotallyNotKara September 25, 2021
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Eg, Question:

Wassup brother? You good?
by Heyaheya23 June 7, 2022
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it’s two ways. there’s a greeting way of “wassup”
and there’s a fighting way of “wassup”
“wassup my dude!” - greeting

“wassup bitch?” - aggressive
by urdefinitionsorg September 13, 2022
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