
Yyoo wassup? *Proceeds to protest to mic up until the heat death of the universe*
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I knew by "Wassup?" he didn't mean "What's up." He meant "Get up off that seat, or else."
by Knowledge Boy May 13, 2020
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used as a friendly or informal greeting.
also used when boys say it to other boys(mostly)
"Wassup, boys?" Bridget called".
by Cool 😎 Mate June 4, 2021
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A word. A very amazing word that everyone should use every day. But, sadly not everyone does. :(
Person 1: Wassup!?
Person 2: I don't use that word so shaddup!
by Bruh, what's yo deal? May 11, 2018
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wassup to ya girl

holla at a shawty that u fux wit
hey brian how come u aint say wassup to ya girl but text dat odea thot
by beefqueef6969 January 17, 2018
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So wassup ?

It’s to ask if ur trying fight someone’s or y’all trying chill or figure something out .
Joe:u was talking shit ?

Mike : yea so wassup ?

Brenda : y’all trying cyph ?

Gang : so wassup ?
by adykedatknow July 14, 2018
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Wassup pussyfart

A saying that is said around the genZ generation when two of them meet face to face in the wild an one is juts a pussyfart
by Thepussymuncher1000 June 2, 2024
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