by ༼;´༎ຶ ༎ຶ༽༼;´༎ຶ ༎ຶ༽ September 18, 2023
by Knowledge Boy May 13, 2020
used as a friendly or informal greeting.
also used when boys say it to other boys(mostly)
used as a friendly or informal greeting.
also used when boys say it to other boys(mostly)
by Cool 😎 Mate June 4, 2021
by Bruh, what's yo deal? May 11, 2018
by beefqueef6969 January 17, 2018
by adykedatknow July 14, 2018
A saying that is said around the genZ generation when two of them meet face to face in the wild an one is juts a pussyfart
by Thepussymuncher1000 June 2, 2024