walking W

tadarrius Carter, the man himself. nigga is a walking W
tadarrius is the definition of goated and a walking W
by yurrr1228828 September 23, 2021
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walking w

Flight reacts is the definition of a walking w and is the greatest YouTube of all time
Walking W is Flight Reacts

Andrew Olson is a fucking. Bum
by BigDickSaddy March 5, 2018
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Walking W

Wngelo Wajkunovic is a walking W
Person1: He never takes L's
Person2: He's just like Wngelo Wajkunovic, he's a Walking W
by Wngelo Wajkunovic April 4, 2023
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Walking W

Walking W is a new term used by younglings to show someone that they agree to that statement. It can be used like walking W/ talking W/ W life or any other affirmation starting with the letter W.
Someone: minecraft is a game.
Fellow giga Chad commenting: walking W 🥱
by GuavaLikesSocks November 21, 2021
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Walking W’s

Omg look over there, it’s max and CJ they are literally walking W’s
by @mleeONLYTAKESW’s June 2, 2022
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